Sunday, September 26, 2010

Afro Lankan: A meshing of cultures

After much "googling" of "Black/Sri Lankan," "African-American and Sri Lankan." "Sri Lanka men and black women," I quickly discovered that there was not much literature on the topic of interracial couples in black/Sri Lankan relationships. That, of course, does not mean we aren't out there, but I was hoping to find more information on the topic.

There are a watershed of blogs about black/white, black/asian, asian/white, "other"/white relationships. This is somewhat frustrating just because people seem to think in terms of "brown/black/red/yellow" + white terms when in fact you have plenty of people of color dating amongst each other. Somehow the world (media, internet) does not seem to acknowledge or be aware of the plethora of brown on brown combinations and the subsequent culture meshing (or clashing) that comes with dating someone outside of your race--even if they aren't white.

I have been married to my Sri-Lankan husband for two-and-a-half years and we have as of yet to run into many Sri-Lankan/African-American couples. I know you are out there! :-)

Ours has been an interesting journey. I hope to share more and maybe find others with a similar story.